It’s no secret that a lot of quilters like gardens and often feature flowers in their work. American Quilter’s Society is taking advantage of this to collaborate with the Chicago Garden and Flower Show for a brand new exhibit. Quilts will be hung above the floral exhibits, complementing them in a way I can only […]
Kuwait Update
I’ve finalized the class samples for the two handwork classes I’m teaching next April in Kuwait. My contact there named Hanan asked me to send photos so her association members could begin signing up. I also sent images of small pieces to show them what they can do after they learn the techniques. Here’s the […]
Who Doesn’t Love Puppies?!
Each time I’ve traveled with Kathy Brassill of Handcrafted Holidays, we have met someone who raises sheep/produces wool. This time we visited the farm of a couple who raise around 500 sheep and 40 cows. Unfortunately, it’s been long enough I can’t recall their names. They also raise border collies, use them for herding their […]
The Dundee Victoria & Albert Museum
On one of our last days during our UK trip, we went to the new Victoria and Albert Museum in Dundee, Scotland’s first design museum. The building, which evokes a ship, pays tribute to its surroundings. It sits on the waterfront and looks as if it is floating with the River Tay as the backdrop,. […]
Gillian Cooper–Quilter, Writer, Tutor
A favorite studio artist visit was with Gillian Cooper who lives in Stirlingshire, Scotland. As she is a fellow London City and Guilds graduate, I was particularly interested to see her work. She didn’t have titles posted, but her work speaks for itself! I like the hand stitching in this artwork and the way it […]
Counted Thread in Kuwait
I’m thrilled to say I’ve been asked to judge and teach next April for the Kuwait Textile Arts Association in, where else, Kuwait. They asked if I were able to judge other types of needlework beyond quilting. I said, of course, and listed all of the techniques we studied when I did my London City […]
Lizzie Farey–Basketmaker Extraordinaire
Yes, I was in the UK the first half of August and this is now the end of November, but I really want to introduce you to Lizzie Farey of Kirkcudbright, Scotland, who was our first and my favorite artist studio visit. Back in the early 80’s I made several baskets and enjoyed the process, […]
International Quilt and Fiber Arts Festival
Still–way behind on my posts. On October 10th I drove up to Everett, WA with my husband, Mike, to go to the preview party for the International Quilt and Fiber Arts Festival. I had been notified that I had winning entries so I was anxious to see what they were! For a complete list, click […]
Columbia River Gorge Quilters Show
I’m working my way back through a number of activities. Too many coming, one after another. This was three weeks ago–mid-October. I’ve judged for this quilt guild several times, located in Hood River. From Portland, it’s a little over a lovely hour’s drive through the gorge. I found the guild was particularly strong in art […]
Hallelujah! I’m done
In one month I completed the fourth and final Santa stocking created from vintage kits from the 1980s. My goal was to have them done so I could present the three going to my two junior nephews and niece on Thanksgiving so they can hang them for the holidays. This one is for the younger […]
Golden Threads Celebration
On November 11th and 12th, the Columbia FiberArts Guild celebrated it’s 50th anniversary called the Golden Threads Celebration. We had two exhibitions: one featuring work from 1969 to 2009 then one more contemporary covering the last ten years. On Saturday, the 12th we held a fashion show. During the first half members modeled wearables from […]
The Quilt Festival in Birmingham, Part Two
Here are some of the wonderful quilts in the judged show that I admired. In fact, I loved them all. It’s important to know that miniatures in England cannot exceed 12″ unlike our shows which required 24″. A twelve inch quilt is truly miniature. Miniature Quilts: I don’t know how, but I managed to not […]
Award of Excellence
Exciting news! Last Thursday I drove up to Everett, WA for the Preview Party for the International Quilt and Fiber Arts Festival and learned my hand embroidery titled “Summer Meadow” earned not only a first place but an Award of Excellence. All of the quilts and fiber arts were mixed together rather than hung by […]
Quilt Festival in Birmingham
In August, I had the chance to travel again with Kathy Brassill of Handcrafted Holidays. Here’s my first look back at the Quilt Festival in Birmingham. That’s Birmingham, England. I’ve long wanted to go to this show, because quilters in other countries have different aesthetics, and it was evident throughout the exhibits. Right away, I […]
Award Winners?
I entered three pieces into the International Quilt and Fiber Arts Festival sponsored by the Pacific Northwest Quilt and Fiber Arts Museum in La Conner, WA: two quilts and one hand embroidered whitework cloth. I’ve received notice that I’ve won “one or more” awards. I have no idea what the award(s) is or for what […]
Another Stocking Complete
Happy to say I’ve finished the third Christmas stocking. This one goes to my oldest junior nephew who is four years old. It turned out cuter than I had expected. This particular kit instructed to use glue in places. But I never glue. It becomes stiff and yellows over time. I hand stitched this one […]
It’s a Winner!
I’ve been completely remiss in posting to my blog having been caught up in a trip to the United Kingdom, home maintenance, working on landscaping, stitching Christmas stockings, French studies, and working on the Poppies and Periwinkle quilt that I swear will never be done. Hmm, looking at that list tells me why I haven’t […]
Poppies and Periwinkle
Will this quilt top ever be done? Not any time soon. I’ve put in embroidery and taken out the stitches. I stitched new stitches and took some of those out. Here’s the progress on panel one. I see I need to bring the stems of the small flowers down through the lower section. Otherwise, the […]
Evolutions 2019 Juried Challenge
Today I receive postcards from the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum’s Evolutions 2019 Juried Challenge. It’s always exciting to see your quilt featured. Mine is in the lower right-hand corner and is a thumbnail image, which shows the center of the quilt. I wish I could go to the artists’ reception on July 26th, but I […]
Quilting in Alaska
Last week I had the pleasure of judging for Capital City Quilters. Although the guild has had a number of shows, this is the first time they have had it judged. The guild had two Best of Shows: one large and one small. The large/bed BOS was a design by Border Creek and was a […]
Circles, Bubbles, and Pigtails, Oh My!
As I wrote previously, I’ve finally finished the appliqué on a Baltimore Album, and it’s ready to quilt. Half of the quilting design will be small circles or bubbles, whichever you call them, around the appliqué and embroidery. For the past two weeks, I’ve been practicing on a vintage Dresden Plate I purchased for the […]