Each time I’ve traveled with Kathy Brassill of Handcrafted Holidays, we have met someone who raises sheep/produces wool. This time we visited the farm of a couple who raise around 500 sheep and 40 cows. Unfortunately, it’s been long enough I can’t recall their names. They also raise border collies, use them for herding their […]
The Dundee Victoria & Albert Museum
On one of our last days during our UK trip, we went to the new Victoria and Albert Museum in Dundee, Scotland’s first design museum. The building, which evokes a ship, pays tribute to its surroundings. It sits on the waterfront and looks as if it is floating with the River Tay as the backdrop,. […]
Lizzie Farey–Basketmaker Extraordinaire
Yes, I was in the UK the first half of August and this is now the end of November, but I really want to introduce you to Lizzie Farey of Kirkcudbright, Scotland, who was our first and my favorite artist studio visit. Back in the early 80’s I made several baskets and enjoyed the process, […]
Quilt Festival in Birmingham
In August, I had the chance to travel again with Kathy Brassill of Handcrafted Holidays. Here’s my first look back at the Quilt Festival in Birmingham. That’s Birmingham, England. I’ve long wanted to go to this show, because quilters in other countries have different aesthetics, and it was evident throughout the exhibits. Right away, I […]
Artwork From Ireland
We moved into a new home mid-January and have been unpacking, organizing, storing. and hanging ever since. Today, we hung the final piece among our photos and artwork. It’s a felted and embroidered wall hanging I purchased the day we visited The Quay Gallery where all of the artwork was such high quality I wanted […]
Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour — Days 15 and 16
We finished our tour where we started, in Dublin, after circumnavigating the Republic of Ireland. Our hotel for the last two nights was Stauntons on the Green, well located across from St. Stephen’s Green, a lovely public park. Again, remembering this is also a food lover’s tour, we dined at Pearl Brasserie, a French restaurant, […]
Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour — Day 14
Deborah Stockdale is a quilter well-known in the town of Letterkenny. She’s an Californian who came to Ireland 40 years ago to pursue archeology. She began quilting with linen and wool tweed, because that’s what was available. However, she’s turned to art quilting, experimenting with products and techniques, such as discharge, fabric crayons, Pentel pens, […]
Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour — Day 13
We drove to Glencolmcille for a tour of the Folk Village, which depicts Irish life and culture from the 1700s to the 1900s and is also known for its fiddlers. Glencolmcille is in the far reaches of the northwest corner of Ireland and has spectacular scenery. Margaret Cunningham took us around the cottages, filling us […]
Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour — Day 12
Monday, September 4th was Labor Day in the US. It’s always a bit strange when there is a holiday back home but not where I am. This proved to be another one of my favorite days.. We went to Sligo to meet the Textile Collective, a group of fiber artists. Such a great group of […]
Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour — Day 11
Sunday, September 3rd was one of my favorite days. First we visited The Quay Gallery owned by Suzie Sullivan, Susan Basler, and Victoria Foutz in Westport. Two of the co-owners below. Suzie Sullivan, felt artist extraordinaire, gave a needle-felting demonstration. She does framed felted work as well as three-dimensional, with her work inspired by Irish […]
Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour — Day 10
Anne O’Maille‘s shop, located in Galway, features traditional Irish clothing and craft. O’Maille’s sells the highest quality, traditional handknit Aran sweaters in the country. Anne is an expert on the subject of knitting. She explained the meaning of the sweaters’ patterns, such as the tree of life and the coastal cliffs. There is an entire […]
Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour — Day 9
Adare Thatched Cottages, built in the 1820’s by Lord Dunraven, is an historic village within the town of Adare. They contain shops and restaurants. We lunched at the Wild Geese Restaurant. I only had time to go into a couple shops. There are around 20 of the thatched cottages, so I’d love to return and […]
Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour — Day 8
Our goal for the morning was Louis Mulcahey Pottery and Cafe which you get to via the Slea Head Drive on the Dingle Peninsula. Oh my, and what a drive it is. We stopped a number of times to take in the views. The cliché that photos don’t do the view justice is so true. […]
Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour — Day 7
Muckcross House and Gardens is located in Killarney National Park. We toured the home which I expected would be somewhat boring. I even thought about bolting from the group before the tour started and exploring the grounds on my own. Happily, I have to say our guide was interesting with a dry sense of humor. […]
Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour–Day 6
Macroom Farmer’s Market in West Cork was our first stop. I’m not a coffee drinker so was pleasantly surprised to see a coffee cart selling delicious, homemade hot chocolate. The morning was cool, so it was nice walking around with something warm in my hands to drink. When I lived in France, my late husband […]
Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour–Day 5
We drove out on the West Cork Peninsula to see a group called Sheeps Head Yarns in the village of Kilcrohane. The group of fiber spinners, dyers, and crafters was founded by Niamh Egerton and Jemima Wallis-Eade. They started the Sheeps Head Yarn Festival which takes place in May a couple years ago in an […]
Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour–Day 4
Sunday, August 27th brought us to the Rock of Cashel, another World Heritage Site with which I was unfamiliar. I’m starting to feel woefully ignorant of the significant and amazing places around the world. It’s a group of Medieval buildings set on an outcrop of limestone in the Golden Vale which include the 12th century […]
Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour of Ireland — Day 3
We spent the morning at the Kilkenny Design Center, which is home to The National Design and Craft Gallery located in the former stable yard of Kilkenny Castle. There was an exhibition of fascinating designer wear, much of it featuring unexpected materials. Just like Project Runway! The piece below has yards and yards of pleated […]
Food and Fiber Lovers Tour of Ireland–Day2
On Friday, August 25th we went to the town of Graignenamanagh, no idea how to pronounce it!, for a tour of the Cushendale Woolen Mills. Our tour guide was the personable Phillip Cushen, the sixth generation of the family to run and own the mill. There are thirteen steps in processing the raw wool into […]
Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour of Ireland
This was my second fiber tour with Kathy Brassill of Handcrafted Holidays. My first trip was three years ago in Scotland and England. I highly recommend Kathy’s trips. She specializes in the UK and Ireland and does but one trip a year as she is employed in three other jobs. Her trips have sold out […]
Off to Ireland among other things
I leave tomorrow for Ireland on a Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour organized by Kathy Brassill of Handcrafted Holidays out of Tacoma, WA. I went with her and a group of seven to Scotland and England in September 2014 and am very much looking forward to this trip. I will post photos on FB. If […]