I’ve finalized the class samples for the two handwork classes I’m teaching next April in Kuwait. My contact there named Hanan asked me to send photos so her association members could begin signing up. I also sent images of small pieces to show them what they can do after they learn the techniques. Here’s the […]
Counted Thread in Kuwait
I’m thrilled to say I’ve been asked to judge and teach next April for the Kuwait Textile Arts Association in, where else, Kuwait. They asked if I were able to judge other types of needlework beyond quilting. I said, of course, and listed all of the techniques we studied when I did my London City […]
Hallelujah! I’m done
In one month I completed the fourth and final Santa stocking created from vintage kits from the 1980s. My goal was to have them done so I could present the three going to my two junior nephews and niece on Thanksgiving so they can hang them for the holidays. This one is for the younger […]
Award of Excellence
Exciting news! Last Thursday I drove up to Everett, WA for the Preview Party for the International Quilt and Fiber Arts Festival and learned my hand embroidery titled “Summer Meadow” earned not only a first place but an Award of Excellence. All of the quilts and fiber arts were mixed together rather than hung by […]
Another Stocking Complete
Happy to say I’ve finished the third Christmas stocking. This one goes to my oldest junior nephew who is four years old. It turned out cuter than I had expected. This particular kit instructed to use glue in places. But I never glue. It becomes stiff and yellows over time. I hand stitched this one […]
Two at a Time
You may recall last year I purchased four “vintage” Christmas stocking kits from the bargain table at the Northwest Quilters’ Guild Show. I finished the first one late last year. Then in February I started the second one and just finished it. It’s from Bucilla and copyrighted 1994, so it’s been around a while. Turns […]
More Sue Spargo
Sue had us prepare a piece of wool with 48 appliquéd 1″ circles to stitch on, something she has clearly done many times as shown by her textural, creative samples. Here are some of the stitches I completed over our two days. You’ll notice my circles aren’t all round even though I made sure they […]
Sue Spargo, Wool Embroidery
Last week our speaker at Northwest Quilters Guild was Sue Spargo, well-known for her hand embroidered, wool quilts. Obviously, I’m behind in posting, but I have good reasons. I attended her workshop the two days following her evening presentation. Then I went back to working on my World Poet Challenge quilt. I’m excited about the […]