It’s no secret that a lot of quilters like gardens and often feature flowers in their work. American Quilter’s Society is taking advantage of this to collaborate with the Chicago Garden and Flower Show for a brand new exhibit. Quilts will be hung above the floral exhibits, complementing them in a way I can only imagine will be stunning. AQS invited my “Z is for Zinnia, C is for Cosmos” quilt to be a part of this new exhibit. I, of course, said yes. I don’t think it ever hurts to show your work, especially to people who might never have considered going to a quilt show. Show dates are March 17 to 22, 2020. Afterwards, the quilts will travel to other AQS shows: Paducah, Lancaster–The Nook, Grand Rapids, and Charleston.

Chicago Flower and Garden Show
I would love to go see the show. Mike’s family lives in the Chicago area, so this would be a perfect opportunity to visit them at the same time. Unfortunately, we will just have returned from vacation a few days before and would have to leave again days later. Too much travel, particularly because less than a month after our return I leave to judge out of state then out of country. It seems good things always happen at the same time, and you can only do so much.