At the Stitches in Bloom Show last week I hung a small piece next to my featured artist piece titled “Z is for Zinnias, C is for Cosmos.” I completed the small piece probably twelve years ago in a workshop given by Richard Box in Oak Harbor, Washington. I thought viewers would find it interesting […]
My Quilt on a Tote Bag
I never expected to see one of my quilts on a tote bag, but this past weekend at the Stitches in Bloom show at The Oregon Garden two women came into our special exhibit with just that. My colleague, Jeri Oswalt, recognized the quilt on their show tote bags as one of mine. I was […]
Design Time
One of the things I did for the Stitches in Bloom Show at The Oregon Garden was bring a variety of design boards, embellishments, and stitch samples I had completed during my London City and Guilds study for display. I wasn’t sure how the space in the room would be set up, but I wanted […]
Photos Galore!
We had a fabulous response to our STiTCH exhibit at the Stitches in Bloom Quilt Show at The Oregon Garden this past weekend. The positive comments and feedback were gratifying and made all of the hard work organizing and hanging our show worthwhile. I appreciate the Oregon Garden giving us the opportunity to show in […]
Published in the Oregonian
I’m in the midst of packing artwork and personal items for the Stitches in Bloom quilt show at The Oregon Garden. I leave tomorrow morning to hang and set up my work and the exhibit of my exhibition group STiTCH. I’ve been working toward this since last February when I was asked to be the […]
Z is for Zinnia, C is for Cosmos Photography
I had my latest piece photographed by Kayley Hoddick on Monday. She took many detail shots, too many to include here, but I’ve posted the full image and eight details to show the hand embroidery I did to enhance the flowers and leaves. I also hand-twisted cords for stems on some of the small zinnias. […]
“Z” is for Zinnias, “C” is for Cosmos
Touchdown! I finished my exhibition piece for the Stitches in Bloom show in Silverton which takes place the third week of this month. What a relief. It always fascinates me how you can work so hard on a quilt or anything, and by the time you finish, it feels as if it should be something […]
“Z” is For Zinnias, “C” is For Cosmos
I’ve been working, although slaving feels more like it, on a garden-themed wall hanging for my exhibit at The Oregon Garden’s Stitches in Bloom Quilt Show in January. I finished the embroidery last night, which took much longer than anticipated. But I swear that’s always the way it is. Here are photos of the piece […]
Bookmark Handout
I received a supply of the bookmarks The Oregon Garden printed to advertise the Stitches in Bloom Quilt Show and my part in it, which includes a solo exhibition, two presentations, and two workshops: Creative Cord Making and Zigzag Pizzazz. I’m impressed with the excellent color reproduction featuring a detail of my quilt “Water Garden” […]
Make Cords By Hand and Machine
I”m teaching a one-day workshop at The Oregon Garden’s Stitches in Bloom show on January 21, 2016 in Silverton, Oregon called Accenting With Creative Cords. We’ll be making a variety of cords, spending the morning making them by hand and the afternoon by machine. When I attended London City and Guilds, we spent six months […]