All ninety quilts from the International Fairytale Challenge were exhibited at the recent Clark County Quilters Show. This is the first international challenge I participated in, and after three years the quilts arrived at their final venue, which just happened to be the first show I judged this year. It was so interesting to see […]
What a Lot of Quilt Show
Last week I had the pleasure once again of judging the Clark County Quilters Show in Ridgefield, Washington. My fellow judges were Val Pellens and Gerrie Thompson. As usual, the caliber of quilts were high which made judging so enjoyable. This show has best of show for large and small/wall quilts which is great, because […]
Busy Day at the FiberArts Guild
Today was our quarterly meeting at the Columbia FiberArts Guild. So many activities going on. We are going to be featured as a guest guild at the upcoming Clark County Quilters Guild Show, which is March 28th through 30th, where coincidentally, I’ll be one of the judges. I submitted my quilt “Z is For Zinnia, […]
Bonnie Keller–Best of Show Winner
I would be remiss if I did not post the Best of Show from the Clark County Quilters Show. I judged with fellow certified judges Carol Brooks and Elizabeth Spannring. We had quite a challenge deciding which among several superb quilts was the Best of Show. We ultimately agreed upon Bonnie Keller’s wonderful quilt. Here’s […]
More Quilt Show Picks, Mine That is!
Here are ten more quilts that caught my eye. Some won awards. Some did not. But I think they are all successful for one reason or another. In no particular order– This quilt was in a special exhibit from the Portland Modern Quilt Guild and was not a part of the judged show. That’s why […]
What a Display!
Clark County Quilters had the final exhibition of the World Heritage Sites International Challenge among the show’s special exhibits. I had no idea what any of the quilts looked like other than my own and didn’t know what to expect. Wow! I was impressed. Ninety quilts thematically linked make a wonderful display. While there was […]
Judge’s Choice–Joanne Roth
At most shows, judges are given an award called Judge’s Choice or a similar name, which the judge bestows upon a quilt for any reason the judge likes. Sometimes there is a quilt that has already received an award that is so outstanding or unique, I award it my judge’s choice. But generally, I try […]
Lynn Czaban–Portrait Artist
On Wednesday fellow judge Carol Brooks and I gave the NACQJ (National Association of Certified Quilt Judges) Award of Merit to Lynn Czaban for her quilt “Untitled” exhibited at the Clark County Quilters Guild Show. Lynn is the only two-time recipient of our award. She happened to be teaching the class on her portrait technique […]
An Opportunity to Learn About Quilt Judging
At the upcoming Clark County Quilters Show, I’ll be offering the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges‘ Two-Day Introduction to Judging Seminar on Thursday and Friday, April 5th and 6th. There are many reasons you may find this in-depth seminar useful. You will learn how to improve your work through design and workmanship. If you […]
Quilt Judging Pointers
In August I was contacted by Brenda Wolfensberger of Quilter’s Stash Box asking me to answer questions on quilt show judging for her blogpost entitled “What Are Certified Quilt Judges Looking For?” Her questions were: 1. What prompted you to become a judge? 2. What year did you begin judging, and how did the decision […]
It’s My Birthday, and Some Just Want to Have Fun!
The theme for this year’s Clark County Quilters’ Show was “A Walk on the Wild Side.” Needless to say, many interpretations included animals, such as zebras, lions and tigers and bears–oh my, and dragons. Scary creatures. But there were three quilts that were just plain fun. As a quilter and a judge, I have thought […]
A Modern Quilt–and a Special Award
I had the pleasure of presenting a special award called the Award of Merit to Gerrie Thompson for her quilt “Improv 3” at the Clark County Quilters’ Show called “A Walk on the Wild Side”. This award is offered through the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges to a quilt demonstrating excellence in design or […]
Quilt Judging–just how does it work?
Yesterday I had the opportunity to serve as one of three judges at the Clark County Quilters’ Show in Ridgefield, Washington. I thought I would explain a little bit about the process. Best of Show is, of course, the biggie. Everyone who attends and enters wants to know who won the big prize. As the […]
Do You Want to Win a Quilt?
Last night I attended the monthly meeting of the Northwest Quilters Guild. It may not feel like it given the weather we’ve been having, but spring is on the way. You can tell, because four quilt shows are coming up in the Portland area starting in March. And while not all shows feature a raffle […]
Clark County Quilters Show and Computer Woes
I’m finally able to post again after having one problem after another with software issues between Photoshop Elements 14 and El Capitan on my Mac. I took Pixeladies PSE Organizer on-line class. I finished well by week three out of four and felt good about how much I had learned and accomplished, especially after dealing […]
Introduction to Quilt Judging Seminar at 2016 Clark County Quilters Show
For the first time, the National Quilting Association’s Two-Day Introduction to Quilt Judging Seminar will be offered here in the Pacific Northwest. Until this year, interested quilters had to attend the seminar at the annual NQA show, formerly in Columbus, Ohio and currently in Little Rock, Arkansas. I taught the seminar this past June in […]