While I was in France, I learned through a Facebook post from IQA/Houston that my entry entitled “Terra I” has been juried into this year’s show, which takes place November 1 – 5. The quilt is in the Abstract–Small category. I don’t know if I’m going to attend the show, as I return from the […]
Houston Quilt Photos–The Finale
What I like about this piece is how it evokes a Chinese ink and watercolor painting. I love this quilt–so creative. But I wasn’t the only one to wonder how it won first place in the embellishment category given how little embellishment there is. I was studying it when a group of quilters walked up […]
And Yet More Houston Quilt Festival Photos
There were many special exhibits in addition to the 350 quilts in the judged show. Here is a sampling from the latest Quilt National–the art quilt exhibit in Ohio. This is one of my favorites, but I always like Deirdre Adams’ work. I liked this piece so well I had to take two detail shots. […]
More Houston/IQA Favorites
Here is another grouping of fabulous quilts. This first is one of several in a special Japanese exhibit. I admire it for the play between light and dark and the circular movement. This quilt is by my friend and a fellow judge, Gerrie Thompson. It was also featured in the IQA’s International Quilt Scene magazine. […]
My Favorites from the IQA Houston
Here are the first of my favorite quilts. Art-Naturescapes was the category in which I won an Honorable Mention. Some categories had only one HM, others such as this one had two. Below is the second HM. It leads me to believe the competition in this category was particularly strong. I think the piece is […]
Catching Up or Trying to–Finally!
I cannot believe it’s been more than six weeks since I last posted, but it’s true. I had a wonderful time in Houston at the International Quilt Festival and prior to that in San Antonio. But just one day after returning home I came down with a cold. It seemed to improve after several days, […]
You Win Some, You Lose Some!
Last week I received a request from International Quilt Festival asking me to allow them to keep my quilt for traveling in exhibitions through next May. I would have been happy to say yes, but I had already submitted the quilt to another show whose deadline has passed. I don’t want to be known as […]
Traveling Exhibitions!
I received my images back from photographer Kayley Hoddick for the World Heritage Sites Challenge so shipped the quilt off to Linda Steller in Eugene, OR, our American coordinator. Here’s a link to all of the world heritage sites, if you are interested. There are over 1000. I’ve probably been to a handful. It always […]
A Big Whoo-hoo!
I was in the midst of Jacquie Gering’s workshop today when I checked my e-mail at lunchtime only to learn my piece “Z is for Zinnia, C is for Cosmos” received an Honorable Mention at IQA-Houston. How wonderful. I had a lot of high-fives from the other students, which I really appreciated. On November 1st, […]
Of Horses, Cats, and Quilts
We went to see the spectacle Odysseo Friday night. It’s inspired by Cirque du Soleil but with horses as the stars of the show accompanied by acrobats and aerialists. Not surprisingly Quebecers have conceived this show, as well. The performances are exciting and ethereal with live music and surprising special effects. At the beginning of […]
International Quilt Festival/Houston Finalist!
Sometimes life comes together in unexpected ways, and today was one of them. Some months ago I reserved a trip to the Houston Quilt Festival. I went three years ago for the first time and had so much fun, I thought I would go again. I’ve never entered a quilt into the show, but when […]