Sometimes life comes together in unexpected ways, and today was one of them. Some months ago I reserved a trip to the Houston Quilt Festival. I went three years ago for the first time and had so much fun, I thought I would go again. I’ve never entered a quilt into the show, but when I finished “Z Is For Zinnias, C Is For Cosmos,” I decided to try for the first time. I’m excited to say, the quilt was accepted. True to form, competition was tough with 344 entries accepted out of 609–just 56%. Among the accepted entries, I recognized many names of those I worked with on articles when I was a contributing editor to American Quilter magazine. Special mention to Linda Roy, Brenda Roach, and Joanne Baeth. I can’t wait to see their work and that of my friend and former Beaconsfield Quilt Guild member in Montréal, Québec, Helena Scheffer. Congrats to all of the finalists.

“Z” is for Zinnias, “C” is for Cosmos