After two days of judging in Newport, the winners have been selected. With the show opening, I can announce who these talented quilters are. I love guilds like this one that have two “best ofs” with one for wall hanging and one for bed-size. It’s challenging for small quilts to compete against large given the […]
The Miracles of Photoshop
I’m taking the Photoshop Elements on-line course again through Pixeladies. (I thought they called themselves the Pixieladies for the longest time, and I couldn’t figure out why they picked that name. I’m sure they would have loved that. I misread their name the first time, and it stuck in my brain). Anyway, I learned a […]
More Minnesota Quilters’ Show
On my third day, I taught Accent Your Quilts With Creative Cords. We spent the morning doing hand made cords. The first one I introduced was the North-South-East-West cord aka a Round Cord, best done with two people. I supplied a kit with a variety of threads and base cords. To make this one, we […]
Minnesota Quilters–What a Show!
I spent the past week in St. Cloud, Minnesota at the Minnesota Quilters 2018 Show, judging, teaching, and lecturing. It was a whirlwind and what a great experience. On Monday and Tuesday, I judged with fellow NACQJ (National Association of Certified Quilt Judges) judge Kathi Eubank. The caliber of entries was high, which is impressive […]
Northwest Quilters Guild Show
During my featured artist exhibition, I was very busy interacting with viewers. But during quiet times, I had a chance to look around at the other quilts done by fellow members. One of my favorite displays was done by a group and was directly across the hall from me. The combination of quilts was simply […]
Honored to be a Featured Artist
Last June the Northwest Quilters Guild of Portland asked me to be the featured quilter at this year’s show, which was May 11 and 12. I was surprised and honored to be selected. I was planning to do a new quilt or two along the lines of “Z is For Zinnia, C is For Cosmos,” […]
A Fabulous Guild Challenge
Last week I had the pleasure to judge for the Rogue Valley Piecemakers in Grants Pass for the second time. The guild had one of the most exciting challenges I have yet seen. Fifteen members made quilts inspired by the work of artist Charley Harper. For those not familiar with him, he is well known […]
“Dreaming of Diamonds” in Roseburg
Last week I judged for the Umpqua Valley Quilters’ Guild along with Gerrie Thompson and Val Pellins, two quilters who attended my Two-Day Quilt Judging Seminar a couple years ago. They have been judging since. Here is our pick for Best of Show. This is the second time in three years Doris has won best […]
It’s a Whoo-Hoo Day!
I received notice this morning my quilt “Terra I” was juried into Quilt Visions 2018: Connections. Out of 353 entries, 43 were selected making me feel very lucky. Quilt must be received by April 11th, which happens to be my birthday. The show takes place October 20th through January 6th, 2019. I would love to […]
AQS Quilttv
I’m not a big Facebook user. I resisted for nine years until I was forced to join after the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges decided to host a FB page followed by the Quilt Judging Seminar Instructors, of which I’m one. Now I have to admit that it was only through a FB post […]
An Opportunity to Learn About Quilt Judging
At the upcoming Clark County Quilters Show, I’ll be offering the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges‘ Two-Day Introduction to Judging Seminar on Thursday and Friday, April 5th and 6th. There are many reasons you may find this in-depth seminar useful. You will learn how to improve your work through design and workmanship. If you […]
World Heritage Sites Exhibition in Springfield
You may recall I participated in a challenge among quilters in the United States, Japan, and South Korea. Thirty quilters in each country created 20″ quilts based on a chosen world heritage site, such as the Grand Canyon or the Statue of Liberty. I chose Chartres Cathedral in France. I wish I could say I […]
Happy Quilt Show News
Pleased to say my quilt “Z is For Zinnia, C is For Cosmos” has been juried into AQS Quiltweek in Dayton, Florida. This is the final traditional show to which I will be able to submit this quilt as the “made by date” will be too old for future shows. Now if I only had […]
Road to California Quilt Show News
Happy to discover this week my quilt “Terra I” has been juried into Road to California, and I just got it back from Houston. Great timing.
Seoul, South Korea–Day 3
For our first full day together as a group, we did a walking tour around the area near the hotel. What do you know? There was a quilt show inside a large tea house. The show no doubt had a name, but everything was in Korean. The two quilters who were there to greet people […]
Quilt Show Catch-up
I am so woefully far behind in my posting, it’s frustrating. First of all, I want to recognize quilts from the Oregon Coastal Quilters Show in Newport, OR in August. Here’s the view from the Clearwater restaurant located at the Historic Bayfront where we went to dinner the first evening. Simply gorgeous. The food is […]
Quilts by the Sea in Newport, Oregon
At the beginning of the month I was pleased to have the Oregon Coastal Quilters Guild ask me to judge their show this year. I judged for them the first two years they held a judged show and looked forward again to the high quality of their work. Every year they do a beautiful raffle […]
Exciting Quilt News
While I was in France, I learned through a Facebook post from IQA/Houston that my entry entitled “Terra I” has been juried into this year’s show, which takes place November 1 – 5. The quilt is in the Abstract–Small category. I don’t know if I’m going to attend the show, as I return from the […]
Judging in the Rogue Valley
On May 8th and 9th, I had the pleasure of judging for the Rogue Valley Piecemakers in Grants Pass, Oregon for the first time. Members submitted over 200 quilts–a healthy number–in 19 categories. Best of show was created by Yvonne Cook, a master quilter whose work I have met before. In April 2016, I awarded […]
Northwest Quilters Show Their Spirit
Yes, once again, the Northwest Quilters’ Guild had Eastside Distilling among their vendors at the quilt show this weekend held at the Expo. I had to buy the Marionberry Whiskey for my partner Mike, because it was such a big hit last year. I also bought the cherry-flavored whiskey, which has just a hint of […]
Quilt Show Excitement
Sunday evening I received word from the AQS Show in Paducah my quilt “Z is For Zinnia, C is For Cosmos” had received an award: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or honorable mention. But…I couldn’t find out which until Tuesday evening after the awards ceremony took place in Paducah, KY. I entered the category Wall Quilts–First Entry […]