Yesterday was the Northwest Quilters Guild annual show at the Expo. I started the day with my talk about my design and construction process and the World Challenges I have participated in. A few minutes after I began my stepmother, Theola, and stepsister, Kelly, showed up. I was so surprised as neither of them are […]
My Vintage Yellow Quilt Collection
Today Mike and I hung nine of the 14 quilts I’ve collected over the past twenty plus years at the Northwest Quilters Guild show. The focus of the collection is simply the color yellow–my favorite color. Yellow makes me feel positive and happy. A side benefit to hanging the quilts was the ability to take […]
From Inspiration to the Finish Line
At 11:00 AM on Saturday, March 23rd, I’ll be presenting my design process at the Northwest Quilters Guild show, describing how I move from inspiration through research and sampling to the final artwork. The quilts I’ll be using to illustrate my talk are those I’ve created for two international traveling exhibitions. The first one toured […]
More Sue Spargo
Sue had us prepare a piece of wool with 48 appliquéd 1″ circles to stitch on, something she has clearly done many times as shown by her textural, creative samples. Here are some of the stitches I completed over our two days. You’ll notice my circles aren’t all round even though I made sure they […]
Sue Spargo, Wool Embroidery
Last week our speaker at Northwest Quilters Guild was Sue Spargo, well-known for her hand embroidered, wool quilts. Obviously, I’m behind in posting, but I have good reasons. I attended her workshop the two days following her evening presentation. Then I went back to working on my World Poet Challenge quilt. I’m excited about the […]
Northwest Quilters’ October Quilt Guild Meeting
Monday night we had an interesting mix of speakers. The new owner of Montavilla Sewing Center in Lake Oswego came to our meeting to talk about their latest shop, which formerly was The Pine Needle. Generally, Montavilla’s stores sell machines and offer classes associated with their machines. This store is adding fabric to their line […]
Sheila Sinclair Snyder–Oregon Quilters
Our presenter at this month’s Northwest Quilters’ Guild meeting was Eugene quilter Sheila Sinclair Snyder. She talked about her journey in the quilt world. Specifically, she was a longarm quilter for hire for ten years. Her greatest wish during that time was for her clients to deliver quilts to her that were square and whose […]
Zigzag Pizzazz Class Coming Right Up!
On Monday, September 10th I’m giving a presentation at the Northwest Quilters Guild on machine embroidery techniques I call Zigzag Pizzazz. When I was studying design and embroidery through London City and Guilds, we spent one six-month session on machine embroidery. Among the numerous samples required, I did one each of satin stitch bars, satin […]
Northwest Quilters Guild Show
During my featured artist exhibition, I was very busy interacting with viewers. But during quiet times, I had a chance to look around at the other quilts done by fellow members. One of my favorite displays was done by a group and was directly across the hall from me. The combination of quilts was simply […]
Honored to be a Featured Artist
Last June the Northwest Quilters Guild of Portland asked me to be the featured quilter at this year’s show, which was May 11 and 12. I was surprised and honored to be selected. I was planning to do a new quilt or two along the lines of “Z is For Zinnia, C is For Cosmos,” […]
A Nifty Way to Store Quilts
At the last Northwest Quilters Guild meeting, I agreed to “test-drive” a new product called a QuiltSafe for Sullivans, the makers of quilt basting spray, in return for responding to their questions within one week. The QuiltSafe is available in King and Queen sizes. Here you can see I’ve placed a small quilt in the […]
Not So “Humble Quilts”
Northwest Quilters’ Guild hosted quilter and blogger Lori DeJarrett as our guest speaker. Her blog is Humble Quilts and the title of her presentation was “Ten Reasons Why I Quilt.” Two which come to mind are to celebrate a friend or family member and to challenge herself with a new technique, reasons all quilters can […]
Two Great Guild Presentations
Once a quarter, I have two guild meetings the same week. This month both Northwest Quilters’ Guild and the Columbia FiberArts Guild had wonderful speakers for their evening programs. Rob Appell, who bills himself under the Man Sewing brand, gave a high-energy, entertaining program at Northwest Quilters. It was easily the longest program I’ve ever […]
Northwest Quilters Show Their Spirit
Yes, once again, the Northwest Quilters’ Guild had Eastside Distilling among their vendors at the quilt show this weekend held at the Expo. I had to buy the Marionberry Whiskey for my partner Mike, because it was such a big hit last year. I also bought the cherry-flavored whiskey, which has just a hint of […]
Do You Want to Win a Quilt?
Last night I attended the monthly meeting of the Northwest Quilters Guild. It may not feel like it given the weather we’ve been having, but spring is on the way. You can tell, because four quilt shows are coming up in the Portland area starting in March. And while not all shows feature a raffle […]
Liquor is Quicker at the Quilt Show!
Northwest Quilters added a surprising vendor to their show this year: Eastside Distilling, which creates and sells small batch spirits–rum, bourbon, and vodka–using local ingredients. When I asked one of the salesmen how they happened to be at the quilt show, he said he wasn’t sure but added what a great idea it had been. […]