I spent the past week in St. Cloud, Minnesota at the Minnesota Quilters 2018 Show, judging, teaching, and lecturing. It was a whirlwind and what a great experience. On Monday and Tuesday, I judged with fellow NACQJ (National Association of Certified Quilt Judges) judge Kathi Eubank. The caliber of entries was high, which is impressive […]
Value Does All the Work
A couple weeks ago, I completed the ninth annual Master Art Series with Hollis Chatelain at The Oregon Garden. This year was all about neutrals and identifying our own style. Prior to class, we selected six pieces of our work: three that were successful and three that were not. Each day of the five days, […]
Master Art Series Challenge–It’s On!
During last year’s workshop, one of the exercises was to choose two pieces of painted fabric that complemented one another in style or color. Then we were to interpret the fabrics through quilting, while changing the character of the design. We started in class, and I just finished the quilting this week. Now the really […]
More on Hollis Chatelain’s Master Art Series
Yes, we are up to our eighth workshop. On the last day, I said I could not believe we had been meeting for seven years. (We did two workshops in the same year back in year three). It’s hard to believe we have just two years to go to fulfill our ten-year commitment. Although we […]
Master Art Series # 8–Hollis Chatelain and New International Quilt Challenge: World Heritage Sites
This latest workshop with Hollis Chatelain focused on working with hand-dyed fabrics and how stitching can change them through thread color and value. As usual we spent the first few days completing samples. But the last three days were something quite different. Each of us chose two fabrics united through color or gesture. To quilt […]
Native Fashion Now–Fabulous Native American designer wear and accessories
The Portland Art Museum just opened its latest show, which has been traveling the country. The show titled Native American Now was recently profiled in Fiber Art Now magazine. The work ranges from traditional American Indian clothing to high fashion meant for the runway, as well as jewelry, accessories, and even t-shirts and skateboards. I […]
Beauty and the Beast–A French Fairy Tale
Our next tale is known as La Belle et le BĂȘte in French. Surely, most of us know the story, because if you haven’t read it, you’ve either seen the musical or the Disney movie version. Jo Baner, another one of my colleagues in Hollis Chatelain’s ten-year Master Art Series, is the creator of this […]
Jack and the Beanstalk–Fairy tale quilt
The latest quilt is by Lynne Goulette who lives in southern Oregon and happens to be a fellow participant in Hollis Chatelain’s Master Art Series. We have number eight out of ten sessions coming up next May-June at The Oregon Garden. When I asked Lynne why she had chosen this particular fairy tale, she explained […]
Hollis Chatelain–Master Art Series
I recently returned from a five-day workshop with Hollis Chatelain entitled Understanding Threads. This was the seventh workshop in a ten-part series begun six years ago. We meet once a year in Silverton, Oregon at The Oregon Garden. For the first three years we drew with pencil, the third year concentrating on portraiture. Since then […]