I’m offering the NACQJ Two-Day Seminar again this September. I had to turn away two people in April and had a number who weren’t able to attend for one reason or another, so I’ve found a venue and am hoping between six to twelve people sign up for a good mix of experience, knowledge and skill. Here’s the write-up I’ve sent to local guilds.
“Are you interested in learning to judge quilts and wearables? Are you coordinating the judging for your guild show? Do you enter quilt shows and want to understand what makes a winning quilt? You will learn through a combination of discussion, power point presentations, and hands-on mock judging from a Qualified Instructor of the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges (NACQJ). The workshop covers all aspects of quilt judging, including the job of judging, evaluating design and workmanship, categories and awards, judging systems, setting up the judging floor, and judging versus jurying. Discussion includes certification requirements for the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges, the only national certifying organization for judges.
Previously this workshop was offered only at the National Quilting Association show in Little Rock, AR. This is only the second time it has been offered in the Pacific Northwest. At present, NACQJ has but one certified judge in Oregon and one in Washington. There are none in Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, or the Dakotas. If you are interested in becoming a certified judge, this workshop does not certify you but will provide information and skills to get you started.
Class dates are 9/10-9/11. Hours are 9:30 am to 6:00 pm daily. Cost is $200.00, which includes an 80 page handout and the NQA’s Guide to Judged Quilt Shows.
For further information, please contact Kathie Kerler at [email protected] or (503) 242-1643. Website https://kathiekerler.com
The number of participants is limited to 12 to ensure everyone receives equal judging practice. At the first seminar, two people were turned away, so please contact me when you know you are interested.”
I would love to have you in the class. Please consider joining us.