The current exhibit called “Peace and Justice” at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center features calligraphy and mixed media by three artists: Inga Dubay, Kanaan Kanaan, and Sara Harwin. The center is located on Capitol Highway in southwest Portland with the exhibit running through February 22, 2019. I took some photos, but many pieces are framed behind glass, which caused a lot of reflection and did not lead to good images. This means you will have to view the exhibit in person to see the artwork, which is well worth your time.
While I’m not familiar with Harwin and Kanaan, Inga Dubay is a well-known calligraphy artist in the Portland Area. Each artist displays beautiful pieces. Note the 3-D work by Harwin which you don’t often see in exhibits.

“Gold and Blue”
“The Smell of Oranges”