Last week I had the opportunity to judge for Desert Quilters of Nevada for the second time. They were a great group to judge for thanks to Judging Floor Coordinator Cory Allender and her assistant Melissa, as well as the enthusiastic guild members who assisted in the judging room.
The best of show was stunning as were several others. I wasn’t able to take photos of them as they weren’t hung yet, but I was able to take a few pics. Here’s the hanging in-progress. Note the raffle baskets in back. One contains a thousand dollars worth of gift cards and quilting items. Such a deal!

The guild hangs the art quilts in the hallway at the entry.

Here’s the first place in the embroidery category. It was a true gem.

The guild has circles for members with common interests. One group entered bags. They were so professional looking, I said they could be sold at Nordstrom’s. Choosing between first and second was next to impossible. This is one of those times when a second judge would come in handy.

Desert Quilters has an award for humor. This one was a clear runaway. I burst out laughing when I saw it. Notice the screws hanging in the woman’s hair. One actually fell out while I was judging the quilt, but it was easily put back into the spring.

Here’s my judge’s choice. The composition has well-balanced asymmetry and a strong color scheme.

Lastly, I was thrilled to select a quilt worthy of the National Association of Certified Judges special award. The quilt is by Cory Allender (which I didn’t find out until after I selected it) and created in honor of a close friend who lost her life. The dogwood blossoms on the quilt were the woman’s favorite flower. The text tells the story. Moreover, the execution is impeccable. I wish my photo was better. The camera washed the colors out.