Next up in the International Fairy/Folk tale challenge is a quilt by Sharry Olmstead.
She says, “My ‘The Little Match Girl’ fairytale quilt is my interpretation of an illustration by Honor C. Appleton (1879 – 1951) where the Little Match Girl envisions her grandmother’s ghost has been sent to rescue her. Sadly, this scene depicted the happiest part of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytale.”
I told Sharry I read this story when I was young and recall how broken-hearted I was that no one invited the little girl in out of the cold to warm and feed her. That just wasn’t the way the story was supposed to end. This makes me think this is a good post for the start of the holiday season and the week of Thanksgiving when we think of and try to do for others, especially those in real need.

The Little Match Girl by Sharry Olmstead