As many quilters have heard, the National Quilting Association (NQA) will be dissolved by year end. The non-profitĀ was the only organization with a certification program for quilt judges. As an NQA Certified Judge I’m happy to say we are carrying on and have formed a new organization titled the National Association of Certified Quilt […]
Introduction to Quilt Judging Seminar at 2016 Clark County Quilters Show
For the first time, the National Quilting Association’s Two-Day Introduction to Quilt Judging Seminar will be offered here in the Pacific Northwest. Until this year, interested quilters had to attend the seminar at the annual NQA show, formerly in Columbus, Ohio and currently in Little Rock, Arkansas. I taught the seminar this past June in […]
46th Annual National Quilting Association Quilt Show
I spent last week in Little Rock, Arkansas at NQA’s annual quilt show. This was a new venue, as previously, the show was held in Columbus, Ohio. I really enjoyed seeing a new city I had never visited before. On a free morning, I walked down the street to the Clinton Presidential Center to tour […]