I’ve returned from three weeks in Provence where we stayed in the renowned wine-producing village of Chateauneuf-du-pape, which means the pope’s new chateau. The chateau was built in the 12th century. However, little is still standing as the Germans set fire to it during World War II, as they were retreating. Nevertheless, the chateau is […]
One of My Favorite Contemporary Artists: El Anatsui
Along with the nationwide traveling exhibit Native Fashion Now, the Portland Art Museum also has on exhibit a piece by El Anatsui, the Ghanian artist who works with recycled/found objects. His work is two-dimensional, organic in nature, and cascades like molten metal in mesmerizing folds and textures.
El Anatsui, Ghanian Artist
I spent ten days in France at the end of July and through the first part of August, splitting time between the Loire and Dordogne regions. The Loire is well-known for its beautiful chateaux. During this trip I was lucky enough to see the Arts & Nature 2015 exhibition at the chateau of Chaumont-sur-Loire. Each […]