I am so woefully far behind in my posting, it’s frustrating. First of all, I want to recognize quilts from the Oregon Coastal Quilters Show in Newport, OR in August. Here’s the view from the Clearwater restaurant located at the Historic Bayfront where we went to dinner the first evening. Simply gorgeous. The food is great and the sea life is fun to watch.

Newport, Oregon–Yaquina Bay
The guild recognizes Best of Show Large and Best of Show Wall. After agonizing over the BOS Wall, I learned the two quilts I was trying to choose between were done by the same person–Linda MacKown. Most impressive. The one I ultimately chose is below with Linda standing beside her quilt. It was in the art quilt category and is based on a photograph Linda took in Arches National Park.

Original Design by Linda MacKown
Here’s her other quilt (top of the photo) done during a class with Nancy Lee Cheong. The quilting is stunning. And for good measure the beautiful quilt on the lower right was done by Lisa Taylor, well-known for her exemplary quilting.

“Paradise Sunrise” by Linda MacKown and “Rose of Sharon” by Lisa Taylor
I was excited to present a National Association of Certified Quilt Judges’ Award of Merit to Susan Cronenwett for her quilt “Evolution”. Susan received a second place in the art quilt category after Linda. I gave Susan’s quilt the award for its amazing originality in design and construction. The nautilus swirls are three-dimensional, which I’m sorry to say you cannot appreciate in the photos. You can see the NACQJ yellow and blue ribbon hanging from the quilt.

“Evolution” by Susan Cronenwett
I also really liked this quilt by Cindy McEntee called “A Wedding Ring for Nick,” which received a second place in its category. Cindy is nearing the end of her program with Judy Niemeyer to become a certified instructor for Judy.

“A Wedding Ring for Nick” by Cindy McEntee, quilted by Lisa Taylor

“A Wedding Ring for Nick” detail
There was also an amazing entry that was exhibit only. It’s a skirt done by Bes Elwood, originally from Alabama, who is deceased friend of one of the guild members Nancy Terhaar. The hand quilting is possibly the most amazing I have ever seen.

Nancy Terhaar holding the skirt made by Bes Elwood.
Notice the tiny, even stitches and uniform cross-hatching. Exquisite.

Skirt detail
I would have liked to have taken more photos, but as you can see below the show was only partially hung by the time I had to leave. Darn.

Quilt Show Set-up

Quilts hung during set-up
I more recently judged the Boise Basin Quilters Show September 19th and 20th. The guild had wonderful quilts. My fellow judge was Linda Rasmussen of Monrovia, CA. I wasn’t able to take any quilt photos as the quilts were packed away after each category was judged, and we left before the show was hung the next day.

Our scribes

Guild members assisting

Linda Rasmussen checking out the miniature category

Setting up for major awards
Linda and I were delighted to present the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges’ Award of Merit to Janae Bissinger for her extraordinary miniature quilt, “Spring Flower Heart”. Her workmanship is superb in this vibrant piece based on a full-size wall quilt designed by Deborah Kemball, with whom I worked on an article for American Quilter magazine.

Janae Bissinger holding her quilt

“Spring Flower Heart”
The blue and teal petals are the size of my fingernail tip!

“Spring Flower Heart” detail