I’m in the midst of packing artwork and personal items for the Stitches in Bloom quilt show at The Oregon Garden. I leave tomorrow morning to hang and set up my work and the exhibit of my exhibition group STiTCH. I’ve been working toward this since last February when I was asked to be the featured artist. The show seemed such a long ways off then, and now it’s a day away, similar to major holidays that seem so far off in the distance, then suddenly, they’re here! Last Friday our state newspaper, The Oregonian published an article about the in the Home and Garden section. The Friday before, the newspaper also published the article on-line with a video of several pieces I will have in the show. http://www.oregonlive.com/hg/index.ssf/2016/01/stitches_in_bloom_quilt_show_j.html

Stitches in Bloom Quilt Show–The Oregon Garden