We had a fabulous response to our STiTCH exhibit at the Stitches in Bloom Quilt Show at The Oregon Garden this past weekend. The positive comments and feedback were gratifying and made all of the hard work organizing and hanging our show worthwhile. I appreciate the Oregon Garden giving us the opportunity to show in a special exhibit. They gave us the OAN (Oregon Association of Nurserymen) room in the Pavilion. Ten minutes after the show opened Friday morning viewers filled our space and the crowd continued until 1:30 PM without a break when I finally got to go to lunch. Saturday was nearly as busy, while Sunday slowed down as anticipated, but it gave us more time for more in-depth discussions.

The Oregon Garden

Mary Telford and Jeri Oswalt, STiTCH members

Mary chatting with show attendees

Here I am with Mary answering questions

Mary showing one of Jeri’s boxes. On the far left are three pieces by Liz Cooper.

“Z is for Zinnias, C is for Cosmos” by Kathie Kerler, one of my Featured Artist pieces, and “A Walk in the Garden” by Mary Telford

“Her Declaration of Independence”, one of my Featured Artist pieces and “In the Eye of the Storm” one of my pieces for the STiTCH exhibit. Moss Box and Pyramid Box by Jeri Oswalt. Notice the lotus blossom inside.

“In the Eye of the Storm” by Kathie Kerler. The first panel says, “Anne, Jerri, and Kathie” The second says, “from serenity,” while the thirdl reads, “to insanity.”

“Let Me Count the Ways” by Kathie Kerler, for the STiTCH exhibit, and two felt pieces by Mary Telford

Secret Garden by Jeri Oswalt

Secret Garden by Jeri Oswalt, view two

The Inspector’s Box by Jeri Oswalt, in memory of her father

Moss Box by Jeri Oswalt

Wanderlust Armchair Traveler by Maria Winner, view one

Wanderlust Armchair Traveler by Maria Winner, view two

Wanderlust Armchair Traveler by Maria Winner, view three

Artist Maria Winner