“Quirky Quilts Inspired By the Periodic Table” is the title of an article in Hyperallergic by Claire Voon. She states, “quilting meets chemistry” in an array of 40 quilts that “expand the definition of art quilting.” It’s a great article, well illustrated with photos, in which Voon takes a look at a number of quilts close-up. For those who can’t travel to Washington, D.C. to see the exhibit, the article and images may be the next best thing.
This exhibition continues to receive press from non-fiber sources, which was exactly SAQA’s goal when the initial call to entry was published. The exhibition is ending at the National Academy of Sciences. The next scheduled venue is the Ruth Funk Center for Textile Art in Melbourne, Florida between May 28 and August 27, 2016. Here’s my piece in the exhibition.

Cold Fire–Photographer Mark Frey