Here are ten more quilts that caught my eye. Some won awards. Some did not. But I think they are all successful for one reason or another. In no particular order–
This quilt was in a special exhibit from the Portland Modern Quilt Guild and was not a part of the judged show. That’s why there’s no ribbon on it but wish I could have given it one.

“Thirty Lines” by Kristin LaFlamme
Here’s another special exhibit quilt, this time from the Art Quilters of the Gorge. This quilt has strong vertical lines, with the hand quilting in the lower edge effective in providing movement and texture.

“Ascendance Water–Woods–Rock–Sky” by Judi B. Timmons
I immediately thought of the Columbia River Gorge with its windsurfers when I saw this quilt. Interesting organic edge. Good movement and visual texture.

“Riding With the Wind” by Linda Reichenbach
I wrote in a previous post about Joanne Roth describing how she earned my judge’s choice. Here’s another one of her quilts. I find the unexpected fabrics and the wonderful movement they create fascinating, making this quilt an Honorable Mention winner.

“The Big Snag” by Joanne Roth
If that isn’t enough, Joanne earned a first place with the quilt below.

“Powerline #3” by Joanne Roth
Mary Kay Price was a triple hitter. She created the beautiful Honorable Mention winner below.

“Grass Widows” by Mary Kay Price
Then to show her versatility, she segues from representational to innovative and earned both a first place and a sponsor recognition award.

“Sushi III” by Mary Kay Price
And–here’s her third quilt, which received third place in its category. This one is pieced and appliqued. Is there nothing she cannot do well? This quilt hung at the end of a row, and every time I passed by, it caught my eye.

“Star Pluvium” by Mary Kay Price
This last quilt was in a group challenge in which the members purchased used wedding dresses and repurposed them into quilts. The punch of color and beautiful quilting made Val’s quilt the first place winner. The group did a great job of creating the wedding ambiance within their exhibit.

“Compromise” by Val Pellens