My quilt “Z is For Zinnia, C is For Cosmos” is featured on The Quilt today. For the past few days, The Quilt Show has been showing the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place quilts in First Entry in Paducah–Small Wall Quilts. Third place was Friday, second place was Saturday, and my first place quilt is today. The full shots are below. Click on the site to see the detail shots. How wonderful of the show to recognize our work.
And just a few days ago, I received a request from American Quilter magazine for a pattern based on my quilt. I’m greatly appreciative of this double recognition. But starting on the pattern has to wait as I’m headed off later on today for my annual–this is #9–Master Art Series with Hollis Chatelain. I’ll be gone all week working with neutrals, the theme for this year.
What a positive start to the week. But this being Memorial Day also makes me reflect on the somber reason for the day. My dad served between World War II and the Korean War; my late husband served in Korea on the DMZ, where he said he froze while being shot at every night; and my ex-husband served in Viet Nam. They were all lucky. I’ve been to the Viet Nam Memorial in Washington, DC and the cemetery in Normandy, France. The names at the first site and the crosses and Stars of David at the second overwhelmed me. They say it all.

“The Elephant in the Quilt Room” by Elizabeth Owens

“My Little Enchanted Compass” by Cristina Arcenegui Bono of AlcalĂ„ de Guadaira, Spain