Today, May 22nd was the beginning of the 100 Days Project, a creativity project that runs for 100 consecutive days. If you are not familiar with it, the idea is that you will: (1) Repeat a simple creative task every day for 100 days. (2) Record each day’s effort. Check out the Project website, if you would like to learn more about it.
My commitment is to draw each and every day through August 22nd. I’m giving myself two ways to draw. Currently, I’m taking an on-line class with Pixeladies learning to use a Wacom tablet with Photoshop Elements. I’ve had the tablet for two years and have known that I’m not using it to its fullest capabilities. I’m excited to say in two weeks, I’ve learned so much I’m amazed. This is one way I will draw. The other is the more typical pencil and paper. I’m going to be out of town off and on during the Project so will use the “old-school” method. I anticipate some drawings will be more complex than others, as some days I may not have much time. But that’s okay. I don’t know what other participants hope to get from the Project, but my goals are to improve my drawing skills whether by pencil or by tablet and to improve my ability to use the tablet.
Here is one example of the work I’ve done with my tablet and Photoshop using the bulls eye gradient tool and a photo I’ve taken. I took colors from the flower below to create a linear gradient shown in the second image. The third image shows the gradient as a bulls eye to create a frame. I also used the transparency and opacity settings to allow the center of the flower to show through.

Original flower image

Three color gradient

Bulls eye Gradient
If you would like to see my daily drawings click here. To see other participants’ work, click here.