I’m working my way back through a number of activities. Too many coming, one after another. This was three weeks ago–mid-October. I’ve judged for this quilt guild several times, located in Hood River. From Portland, it’s a little over a lovely hour’s drive through the gorge. I found the guild was particularly strong in art quilts this year, making the award decisions quite difficult. The judging team members bag the quilts as soon as a category has been judged, so I don’t have the opportunity take photos or get the makers’ names. But I insisted on taking pics of these four quilts, because they struck me so, each for its own reason.

Susan Smitty Price–thread work creating wonderfully expressive faces

Art quilt category–excellent use of values and quilting lines

Art quilt category–well-balanced composition, text conveys meaningful message

Art quilt category–Loved the simplicity of this quilt and the mood created through color, text, and motifs