I received my images back from photographer Kayley Hoddick for the World Heritage Sites Challenge so shipped the quilt off to Linda Steller in Eugene, OR, our American coordinator. Here’s a link to all of the world heritage sites, if you are interested. There are over 1000. I’ve probably been to a handful.
It always feels good to reach completion on a project. I’ll be interested to learn the itinerary for the quilts in Japan and Korea. No doubt places I’m not familiar with. As usual, Kayley took a number of detail shots so I might as well show them all. In my gallery, however, I only show one or two along with the full shot. The title The Magic of Chartres Blue refers to the long-held belief that the recipe for the color blue in the cathedral’s windows had been lost. The windows were renowned for the beauty of this particular color.

The Magic of Chartres Blue or La Magie du Bleu de Chartres
I received a wonderful request today from Quilts, Inc. asking if I would be willing to let them hold my quilt “Z is For Zinnia, C is For Cosmos” after the IQA show in Houston is over for the traveling exhibition Quilts: A World of Beauty. Those quilts will go to the International Quilt Festival in Chicago and Quilt Market in St. Louis next year. I responded I was honored and would be happy to do so. However, I’ve submitted the quilt to a show whose submission deadline has past. I explained I didn’t want to become known as a quilt artist who withdraws a submission after jurying has begun. It’s frustrating when an opportunity presents itself and you can’t take advantage of it. This is one of those situations when it’s lovely to be asked. Darn it!