The latest issue of American Quilter magazine features one of my articles on the Quilt Museum and Gallery in York, England on page 52. I visited the museum during my 2015 Food and Fiber Lovers’ Trip through Kathy Brassill of Handcrafted Holidays. Unfortunately, the museum closed not long thereafter as it couldn’t sustain financial viability. But fortunately for quilters, fiber artists, and historians worldwide, the museum collection is available on-line with over 800 pieces in eleven categories. I don’t believe many of us here in North America are aware of this wonderful resource. The magazine printed eight of the quilts with one of them, Singing in the Rain, as a detail shot. Here is that quilt full-size along with a number of others the museum provided but which were not included in the article. You can find information on them and the rest of the collection by visiting the on-line website.

Singing in the Rain by Jo Rednall, 2005

Black Pearl by Laura Kemshall, 2009

Fish by Irene McWilliam, 1994

Tree of Life Coverlet, maker unknown, 1780-1799

Ridehaigh Quilt, maker unknown, 1860-1890

Jubilee Quilt by Mrs. Mills, 1887

Kent Uniform Coverlet, maker unknown, 1860-1880