I’m taking the Photoshop Elements on-line course again through Pixeladies. (I thought they called themselves the Pixieladies for the longest time, and I couldn’t figure out why they picked that name. I’m sure they would have loved that. I misread their name the first time, and it stuck in my brain). Anyway, I learned a lot the first time through but not everything stuck. There is just so much to absorb.
This is week one. I’m on lesson three, and I’ve already relearned a couple of useful tools I had completely forgotten about. I just finished the Straighten Images section. Straightening images is quite easy if you have taken a good photo to begin with. But if you haven’t there are ways to make vertical and horizontal adjustments to correct elements in a photo. I did the two images the course supplies.
But then I wanted to do one of my own photos and found the perfect one. When I judged the Minnesota State Guild show in June, we had a quilt that at first glance made no sense even standing as far back as we could. Nor did the title help. Then I had the idea to take a photo. Here it is. The other judge and I had the aha moment when we saw the blocks were pixelated images. Now you can see Smokey the Bear, the Jolly Green Giant, and Paul Bunyan. As you can see, because we were interested in the quilt’s content, I wasn’t concerned with taking a good photo. One side of the quilt is higher than the other, and the quilt is turned to one side.

Pixel Quilt
I wanted to see how well I could correct these issues. After just a few minutes of making adjustments, I’m amazed at what can be done through the Photoshop Elements program. I honestly didn’t think I could get the quilt this straight.

Pixelated Quilt straightened
I highly recommend Photoshop Elements I and II. And if you are like me, taking it for a second time, the Pixeladies offer a great discount. They also offer PSE Organizer and Digital Designing courses. both which I have taken.