SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) recently auctioned off a collection of quilts left to the organization by a member who had passed away. I bid on and won a quilt by Therese May, whose work I have long admired. It is completely unlike anything I do, which is part of the reason I enjoy her […]
Studio Art Quilt Associates Benefit Auction
I just returned Saturday evening from Ireland where I did a Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour through Kathy Brassill’s Handcrafted Holidays. A group of eight of us did the entire perimeter of the country over seventeen days. We visited a weaving studio, the gallery of two feltmakers, and a sheep farm among other sites and […]
Quilting, Quilting, and More Quilting
This week is all about quilting. This past weekend I taught the NACQJ Two-Day Judging Seminar to a group of seven students. Marilyn Bevan was one of them. By way of introduction, she said she was 90 years old, had just bought a new sewing machine and planned to learn how to use every feature […]
Zigzag Pizzazz and Beautiful Corded Shoes
It’s been a few weeks since I posted. Not because I haven’t been busy. I have. Then to make matters more challenging when I tried to post two nights ago I found my site was “temporarily out of order.” Seems I needed to renew my domain name but for some reason never received notice. So […]
More Radical Elements
“Quirky Quilts Inspired By the Periodic Table” is the title of an article in Hyperallergic by Claire Voon. She states, “quilting meets chemistry” in an array of 40 quilts that “expand the definition of art quilting.” It’s a great article, well illustrated with photos, in which Voon takes a look at a number of quilts […]