I was excited today to find out the next venue for SAQA’s Radical Elements exhibit, which is the International Museum of Art and Science in McAllen, Texas. The exhibition was supposed to end in 2016, but it has been extended through February 2017. The Radical Elements exhibit will be the centerpiece of the museum’s 50th […]
More Radical Elements
“Quirky Quilts Inspired By the Periodic Table” is the title of an article in Hyperallergic by Claire Voon. She states, “quilting meets chemistry” in an array of 40 quilts that “expand the definition of art quilting.” It’s a great article, well illustrated with photos, in which Voon takes a look at a number of quilts […]
Radical Elements Exhibition feature article
In previous posts, I’ve written about the Radical Elements exhibition at the National Academy of Sciences. The exhibition is featured in a new, on-line article entitled “Sewing Together Chemistry and Quilting” in Chemical and Engineering News. SAQA continues to find ways to attract new audiences by expanding exhibition venues beyond typical quilt shows. My piece […]
Radical Elements Exhibition
I’ve received images of the Radical Elements Exhibition mounted at the National Academy of Sciences that I posted about previously. When one of my pieces is in a traveling exhibition it’s not often I have the opportunity to see my work and how it relates to the other selected pieces or to the exhibition space […]
Radical Elements Show at the Gallery of the National Academy of Sciences
The “Radical Elements” exhibition, organized by Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA), begins a five month showing at the National Academy of Sciences located at 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. Dates are May 20 – October 19, 2015, with hours between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. Admission is free. The exhibition features 40 artists […]