Without a doubt, the most creative quilt at the Northwest Quilting Expo was made by Flora Joy of Johnson City, Tennessee. She wrote, “Twelve separate, freestanding curvy blocks have been sewn at their top borders to a separate base quilt. Viewers can lift each Dutch doll/Sunbonnet Sue to read the block’s unusual but true story […]
Visions Art Museum
I’m a member of the Visions Art Museum. As an artist and particularly someone who works with fiber and mixed media, it’s important to me to support this museum where fiber is the focus. As luck would have it, my son lives in San Diego where Visions is located, so when I visit him, I […]
Minnesota Quilters–What a Show!
I spent the past week in St. Cloud, Minnesota at the Minnesota Quilters 2018 Show, judging, teaching, and lecturing. It was a whirlwind and what a great experience. On Monday and Tuesday, I judged with fellow NACQJ (National Association of Certified Quilt Judges) judge Kathi Eubank. The caliber of entries was high, which is impressive […]
Bonnie Keller–Best of Show Winner
I would be remiss if I did not post the Best of Show from the Clark County Quilters Show. I judged with fellow certified judges Carol Brooks and Elizabeth Spannring. We had quite a challenge deciding which among several superb quilts was the Best of Show. We ultimately agreed upon Bonnie Keller’s wonderful quilt. Here’s […]
Lynn Czaban–Portrait Artist
On Wednesday fellow judge Carol Brooks and I gave the NACQJ (National Association of Certified Quilt Judges) Award of Merit to Lynn Czaban for her quilt “Untitled” exhibited at the Clark County Quilters Guild Show. Lynn is the only two-time recipient of our award. She happened to be teaching the class on her portrait technique […]
AQS Quilttv
I’m not a big Facebook user. I resisted for nine years until I was forced to join after the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges decided to host a FB page followed by the Quilt Judging Seminar Instructors, of which I’m one. Now I have to admit that it was only through a FB post […]
An Opportunity to Learn About Quilt Judging
At the upcoming Clark County Quilters Show, I’ll be offering the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges‘ Two-Day Introduction to Judging Seminar on Thursday and Friday, April 5th and 6th. There are many reasons you may find this in-depth seminar useful. You will learn how to improve your work through design and workmanship. If you […]
Quilt Judging Pointers
In August I was contacted by Brenda Wolfensberger of Quilter’s Stash Box asking me to answer questions on quilt show judging for her blogpost entitled “What Are Certified Quilt Judges Looking For?” Her questions were: 1. What prompted you to become a judge? 2. What year did you begin judging, and how did the decision […]
Studio Art Quilt Associates Benefit Auction
I just returned Saturday evening from Ireland where I did a Food and Fiber Lovers’ Tour through Kathy Brassill’s Handcrafted Holidays. A group of eight of us did the entire perimeter of the country over seventeen days. We visited a weaving studio, the gallery of two feltmakers, and a sheep farm among other sites and […]
Judging in the Rogue Valley
On May 8th and 9th, I had the pleasure of judging for the Rogue Valley Piecemakers in Grants Pass, Oregon for the first time. Members submitted over 200 quilts–a healthy number–in 19 categories. Best of show was created by Yvonne Cook, a master quilter whose work I have met before. In April 2016, I awarded […]
A Modern Quilt–and a Special Award
I had the pleasure of presenting a special award called the Award of Merit to Gerrie Thompson for her quilt “Improv 3” at the Clark County Quilters’ Show called “A Walk on the Wild Side”. This award is offered through the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges to a quilt demonstrating excellence in design or […]
Here Comes the Judge
I have had a request from a couple people who couldn’t attend the seminar I offered last September to offer one early this year. I am trying to put together one for February, but I seem to be striking out. Three of the first four replies were from people who were going to be out […]
So You Wanna’ Be a Judge
I’m offering the NACQJ Two-Day Seminar again this September. I had to turn away two people in April and had a number who weren’t able to attend for one reason or another, so I’ve found a venue and am hoping between six to twelve people sign up for a good mix of experience, knowledge and […]
Umpqua Valley Quilt Show–Award of Merit
Last Thursday, April 21st, I judged at the Umpqua Valley Quilters’ Guild 32nd annual show “Stars Over Oregon” and was pleased to bestow an Award of Merit ribbon to Yvonne Cook. Certified judges in the National Association of Certified Quilt Judges (NACQJ) have the option of awarding this ribbon to a quilt which presents exemplary […]
National Association of Certified Quilt Judges
As many quilters have heard, the National Quilting Association (NQA) will be dissolved by year end. The non-profitĀ was the only organization with a certification program for quilt judges. As an NQA Certified Judge I’m happy to say we are carrying on and have formed a new organization titled the National Association of Certified Quilt […]