I returned from my Master Art Series Friday night. We spent the week exploring how the value of thread affects the fabric it’s stitched onto. One concept everyone quickly understood: to make a fabric recede into the background, stitch over it in a lighter value of its same color. Another technique: to dull a fabric down, stitch over it with its complement. As usual, it was a challenging week mentally and physically. Class ran from 8:30 am to 4:30-5:00 pm, and after dinner, we all returned to the classroom to finish the day’s assignments. While I worked no later than 9:00 pm, some worked much later. I’ll be posting some photos after I finish with the Portland Art Museum’s latest show.
As promised, here is more Native American designer wear with a focus on runway garments. This photo shows the four designs that greet you as you enter. I want to know where you get space-shuttle glass. Is it in the headpiece?

Artist: Wendy Ponca
Mylar, fox fur, eagle feathers, space-shuttle glass, crystals and shell

Wendy Ponca–close-up

Wendy Ponca: close-up

Artist: Bethany Yellowtail
“Old Time Floral Elk Tooth Dress”–Lace, leather, elk teeth

Artist: Bethany Yellowtail
Shift Dress: Polyester, satin, mesh printed with photograph

Artist: Patricia Michaels
“Cityscape Dress”
Project Runway, Season 11

Patricia Michaels–detail showing dimensional work

Artist: Jamie Okuma
Jacket: holographic Italian lambskin
Pants: leather and lace
Purse: leather, pony hair, dye, and brass

Jamie Okuma–pants detail

Artist: Pilar Ogoyo

Artist: Laura Shepherd
Corset: Silk cotton, steel
Skirt: Silk Shantung
Necklace: Dentalium shell and brain-tanned hide
Bracelet and earrings: Mammoth ivory, sterling silver, 24-karat gold, coral, agate, and jet

Laura Shepherd–detail

Artist: Sho Sho Esquiro
“Wile Wile Wile Dress,” Day of the Dead Collection
Seal fur, beaver tail, carp, beads, silk, rooster feathers

Sho Sho Esquiro–detail

Artist: Virgil Ortiz
For Donna Karan, Cotton

Artist: Derek Jagodzinsky
Four Directions Collection
Spandex and synthetic blend

Artist: Orlando Dugi
Desert Heat Collection
Dress: Dyed silk, organza, feathers, beads, 24-karat gold
Cape: feathers, beads, silver
Headpiece: African porcupine quills, feathers