24″ x 34″ Kayley Hoddick, Photographer Detail Images:
Most Recent Work
While my work is representational, I don’t strive for realism. Instead, my art has a cartoon-like quality created largely with solid colors and simple shapes. I embroider by hand to emphasize or create motifs and add shading and texture. Frequently, I employ other hand-making techniques, such as hand-twisted cords.
Sheer Joy on Two Wheels
32″ x 44″ Kayley Hoddick, Photographer Detail images:
Waves of Poppies
50″ x 35″ Kayley Hoddick, Photographer Detail images:
P is For Poppy and Periwinkle
27.5″ x 39.5″ Kayley Hoddick, Photographer Detail images:
Can’t You Hear My Heart Beat?
Affairs of the Heart Women Go For Red Quilt Challenge 30″ x 30″ Kayley Hoddick, Photographer Click to View Detail Images Larger:
Z is For Zinnia, C is For Cosmos
Z is For Zinnia, C is For Cosmos 31.5″ x 41.5″ Kayley Hoddick, Photographer Detail images:
Her Declaration of Independence
Her Declaration of Independence 40″ x 40″, Kayley Hoddick, Photographer Detail images:
35.5″ x 17.5″ Kayley Hoddick, Photographer