One of the things I did for the Stitches in Bloom Show at The Oregon Garden was bring a variety of design boards, embellishments, and stitch samples I had completed during my London City and Guilds study for display. I wasn’t sure how the space in the room would be set up, but I wanted to be prepared. While I didn’t use everything, showing the design work turned out to be a good idea for two reasons. The process I studied at London City and Guilds Institute was the topic of my lectures and by displaying design work at the back of the room on either side of Maria Winner’s chair, her chair wasn’t left standing all alone and viewers moved around the room. The only downside was how the design work fought with the “wall art” honoring Oregon Nurserymen.

Media and Small Rug design boards and embroidery samples

The Cockerel of Gaul from the Social Design Category

The Cockerel of Gaul–design board two

Architecture Design Category–(No the horse and buggy in the background isn’t a part of my design work)!

A second Media Design Board and tassel and ribbon embellishments

Stitch Samples