I would be remiss if I did not post the Best of Show from the Clark County Quilters Show. I judged with fellow certified judges Carol Brooks and Elizabeth Spannring. We had quite a challenge deciding which among several superb quilts was the Best of Show. We ultimately agreed upon Bonnie Keller’s wonderful quilt. Here’s the full image and three detail shots.

Bonnie Keller–Best of Show
Notice I haven’t provided the quilt’s title. Yikes! I had Bonnie stand in front of her quilt so I could include her with it and didn’t get the title in the picture. Take a look at the “candy cane” stripe around the pinwheel. I thought Bonnie had created a hand-made cord, which is something I would do. But no. She explained she had stitched a stem stitch around the pinwheel, then decided to add the red by weaving it through the white stitches. Clever. Something to keep in mind.

Detail image
Here’s another great idea from Bonnie. She emphasized the lower edge of the feathers by highlighting with a pen.

Detail image
This close-up shows the variety of quilting stitches within Bonnie’s quilting design.

Bonnie Keller–detail
Bonnie’s another member of CCQ to hit a trifecta. She created the first place winner below.

“Red Tide” by Bonnie Keller

“Red Tide” detail

detail image
And if that isn’t enough, Bonnie took second place with this appliqué quilt titled Boisvert Valley.

“Boisvert Valley” by Bonnie Keller
Here are two more special exhibits. The first is the colorful corner featuring Elinor Burns’s designs. This is the second year Elinor has created such a feast for the eyes.

Elinor Burns’s Special Exhibit
Along an entire wall was the Fort Vancouver Tapestry.

Fort Vancouver Tapestry–List of Artists

Fort Vancouver Tapestry
And to close out the show, I enjoyed the humorous signs hung about the exhibit hall, reminding people not to touch the quilts.

“Do Not Touch Sign”

“Please do not touch”

“Beware of dogs”
This was a great show!