You can audition fabrics using Photoshop Elements in two different ways. One is to scan fabrics you own and drop them into Photoshop. The other way is to copy fabrics you are considering from the internet onto a “clipboard”. In this way, you aren’t buying fabric you ultimately don’t end up using. We learned how to “cut out” parts/elements/motifs from fabrics and combine them into blocks. I used fabrics from the internet.
Here’s the first one I found on Google Images under “bold fabric prints”.

Internet Fabric Combo
I used the dragonfly and pumpkin seed prints to create a simple Nine-Patch, which was the exercise assignment. One PSE feature is the ability to rotate images 15 degrees at a time.

Dragonfly/Pumpkin Seed
Here’s my second attempt, using more contemporary prints. (I learned how to enlarge my canvas size to give me more space in which to work in the PSE screen).

Contemporary block