There were many special exhibits in addition to the 350 quilts in the judged show. Here is a sampling from the latest Quilt National–the art quilt exhibit in Ohio.
This is one of my favorites, but I always like Deirdre Adams’ work.

“Disruption” by Deirdre Adams

“Summer Beach 2” by Astrid Hilger Bennett
I liked this piece so well I had to take two detail shots. The style is unique.

“The Boundless Energy of Children” by Ruth de Vos

de Vos, detail

de Vos, detail

“Rainy Day Dora Creek #12” by Judy Hooworth

Hooworth, detail
I found this piece fascinating. I had to get as close as I could to really study it.

“Ghost Trees #3” by Karen Tunnell
In no particular order are other quilts I liked for one reason or another.
From the special exhibit “For the Love of Linens” curated by Cindy Needham, a piece by Karen Azevedo.

“Winter’s Bleu Fleur” by Karen Azevedo
I wrote an article for American Quilter magazine about Joanne’s group called Collective Stitches. Joanne lives in southern Oregon, and her work speaks to the landscape in her part of our state.

“Country Roads” by Joanne Baeth
Darn, I only have the last name of the maker. Wish I knew the full name and title of this piece.


“Lone Star Explores Space” by Peter Hayward, Art–Abstract–large category
Master award for Traditional Artistry

“My Favorite Paisley” by Yoko Izumi
I loved the Lion King contest display sponsored by Cherrywood Fabrics. All of the gold fabric was stunning. Almost every quilt featured lions except this one. As an embroiderer I really appreciate the variety of embroidery stitches in this piece.

“Fifteen Warthogs” by Marilyn Smith
Can’t resist a great dog image. How she ever thought of tennis ball embellishments is beyond me. And frankly, where did she find tiny tennis balls?

“Obssession” by Tonya Littman, 3rd place
Here’s another quilt so deserving of an award, but alas, the competition in the category was stiff.

“Oscar the Great” by Nancy Sterett Martin and Karen Sistek, Art-Painted Surface
Love the warmth and personality in this quilt.

“Lazy Afternoon” by Hiroko Miyama and Masanobu Miyama, 2nd place
Great Piece: movement, complexity, repetition.

“Challenge” by Miki Murakami, Art–Abstract, Large
A quilt in the special exhibit of Japanese quilts. So serene.

“Beautiful Songs” by Hiroko Nakayama

Nakayama, detail
Winner of the Pfaff Master Award for Machine Artistry. A major award is not too surprising. The National Quilting Association previously judged this work a Master Quilt.

“October Sky” by Bethanne Nemesh
The Superior Threads Master Award for Thread Artistry

“Suwon Hwasung” by Mikyung Jang
This quilt is from the Viewpoints 9: Constants and Variables special exhibit. What a masterful use of value to achieve illumination in fabric.

“Neon Challenge: New Year’s Eve” by Kate Themel
Among the special exhibits are quilts from Texas guilds. I chose one by my friend and fellow certified judge, Serena Vrnak. The quilter, Pat Harrison is also a certified judge. Her quilting designs highlight the piecing and add movement.

“Etoile” by Serena Vrnak and quilted by Patricia Harrison

Vrnak, detail