Our final lesson in Pixeladies Photoshop Elements on-line course was to select a photo we hadn’t worked with before and make at least five adjustments. I picked a photo I had taken of a wall hanging by my friend Mary Telford during our Oregon Garden exhibition. Here’s the original:

Mary’s wallhanging–original photo
As you can see I did not take the image straight on. I wanted to practice straightening edges, so this was a great one to choose. What did I do?
- I cropped the image.
- I straightened the edges. They aren’t perfect. Mary’s quilt is square, but you can only correct a mediocre photo so far.
- I cropped again.
- I used Levels to brighten the image, because her colors were more saturated than my photo shows.
- I sharpened the image. My photo was fuzzy.
- I added a watermark with a title giving Mary credit for her work.

Mary’s Garden–adjusted
Much Better!